Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Affordable Care Act Of Wyoming - 1419 Words

To: David Marcum, Program Manager From: Timothy A. Deibert, Policy Analyst Office: POLS 1100-500 Date: September 22, 2014 Subject: The Affordable Care Act This Memo responds to your request for information about the affordable care act. In this memo I will discuss the history of the act, major provisions of the act, and how the act will affect health insurance in the state of Wyoming. I will also address the reaction and impact the act has had on other states in the union. The affordable care act was implemented by the 111th United States congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 (U.S. Department of health and Human Services, 2014). The aim of the act is to expand access to health insurance, lower the uninsured rate, and reduce costs and increase the quality of healthcare. (Wikipedia) Introduction to the Problem The Affordable care act was enacted in order to reform the health insurance industry and to make health insurance more affordable and to provide better health care coverage for the citizens of the United States. The Obama administration set out with the goals of: expanding access to health insurance, lower the uninsured rate, and to reduce the costs of healthcare. The focus of the act is to use regulations on the federal and state level to maximize health care coverage for all citizens of the U.S. In this section I will examine the factors that have come to play into the creation of the affordable care act and the back groundShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical And Legal Implications Of The Health Care Industry1099 Words   |  5 PagesAs Healthcare Administrator’s and professionals within the health care industry, we face a myriad of issues that force us to analyze both the ethical legal responsibilities of both the institution, and the rights of the patient. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Prejudice in the United States - 963 Words

In this modern world, prejudice is still a universal problem we still have yet to overcome. Although it is true that our society is much less prejudiced than it was 40-50 years ago, we are still struggling to create racial harmony in a world that is so diverse in terms of racial group, sexual orientations, ethnicity, nationality, religions, and so on. I think the core of prejudice comes from stereotyping, which is the generalization of motives, characteristics, or behavior to an entire group of people. In the world where media propaganda is ubiquitous, often times most stereotypes are not formed on valid experiences, instead they are based on images publicized by the mass media, or even created within our heads after seeing and hearing examples from many different sources, like movies, or even hearsay. Stereotyping is more powerful than we think, because it allows those false pictures to control our thinking that leads us to assign uniform characteristics to any person in a group, wi thout consideration of the actual difference between members of that particular group. Most common form of prejudice, in the United States at least, is in between racial groups. Unfortunately, racial prejudice is so prevalent in the Western society. I believe most people think of themselves as unprejudiced these days, even myself. Sometimes we didn’t realize that we have expressed indirect forms of prejudice, ones that are subtler. Example in the American society could be when white peopleShow MoreRelatedPrejudice And Prejudice By The United States985 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States is a nation of immigrants plagued by hatred for one another. Prejudice and discrimination is more than one occurrence in history or the actions of a single individual. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effects Of Media In The Hospitality Business †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Effects Of Media In The Hospitality Business. Answer: Social media has been used by the hospitality business to market their products and to get direct feedback from the customers. The social media provides a platform that can reach many consumers and at the same time they can get to demonstrate their products and services. Social media application and networks include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. The hospitality business can use this media to market, get new customers, get feedback, demonstrate their product and monitor their customers behavior and purchasing patterns. The social media is like a virus they spread news very fast. The hospitality sector can use social media to spread their brand fast and in different places at the same time. The brand is expected to get attention and massive traffic through the social media. The social media can help the hospitality business to create a good relationship with the customers since they have direct communication with client (Minazzi, 2014). The media also helps the business in information gathering where the business can analyses the customers behavior towards a certain product and they can be used to gauge the customers satisfaction in the product. The hospitality business through gathering information from the clients social media activities, it can be used to customize messages to the clients. Social media can help the hospitality business to deal with competition as well increase their market share. There threats which are affecting the hospitality business like the changes in the marketing shift. The Hospitality may be forced to come up with new ways of marketing since they now market to consumers of different culture and standards. The business will be forced to develop good stories that promote the culture of the product instead of outlining their specific benefits (Nee, 2016). The customer have increased power in the social media hence they should provide quality products and services to avoid negative review and feedback. It is difficult for any organization to control the negative feedback publicly. The social media is broad and the hostility business is very sensitive can find it hard to track negative statement or misleading guides to its customers. It is also hard for the hospitality business to monitor their employees social media accounts. The employee may be speaking negatively about the company in the media .The employee may be exercising her freedom of expression but this would ruin the companys reputation (Singh and Duhan, 2016). Social media can be useful in the different departments of a hospitality business. In a hotel Facebook, twitter and YouTube can be used by the marketing department to advertise the product and services in the Hotel. Facebook and twitter have sections where customer can rely and give feedback. YouTube can used to demonstrate to the views how the product works. The management office can use the social media to gather information on the consumer behavior and purchasing patterns. The department can use Facebook and twitter to gather the information. The supervisor can use the social media to monitor the employee attitude toward their company and employers they can be used to measure the performance of an employee In (Dhiman, 2017). The social media give the customers the opportunity to get more information about the hospitality business. They use media like Facebook and twitter to ask question regarding the products and the general services offered in the organization. The customers can use the media to check their credibility and reliability of the company by checking on the comments of other customers. They use them to check the reaction of other customers towards certain product. The potential clients can use the social media to get demonstration of the product on how to use it and its effect (Koeh 2011).They can get more information about the company using the social media. The hospitality business should assign a qualified person the roles of managing the social media account of the business. Through this, the company is able to control and maintain negative statement and feedback from the customers. A qualified person will know the information to share with the customers and what to do if customer give a negative statement. The company should update their social media account frequently to attract potential customers and to give a sense of reliability to the customers. When launching new products the hospitality business should make sure they have tested it before presenting it to the media. The business should make sure they post stories which will cover the different culture of the people since they are communicating with consumers from different ethnic cultures. Social is a good platform for the hospitality sector to advertise and market their products, attract potential customers, increase their market share and get feedback. Through this the comp any survive in the competitive environment (Enz, 2010). References Minazzi, R. (2014). Social media marketing in tourism and hospitality. Nee, I., Burmann, C. (2016). Managing negative word-of-mouth on social media platforms: The effect of hotel management responses on observers' purchase intention In Dhiman, M. C. (2017). Opportunities and challenges for tourism and hospitality in the BRIC nations. In Singh, A., In Duhan, P. (2016). Managing public relations and brand image through social media. Koehl, D., World Tourism Organization. (2011). Toolbox for crisis communications in tourism: Checklists and best practices. Madrid: World Tourism Organization. Enz, C. A. (2010). Hospitality strategic management: Concepts and cases. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley Sons.